Men Hung by the Neck until Dead

sketch of man hung by the neck before he dies

There is a long and varied history throughout different cultures and civilizations that invite members of the public to witness men hung by the neck until dead. The practice of public hangings dates back to ancient times, where it was often used as a means of retribution and deterrence for crimes committed. In modern times, … Read more

Nothing but Dead and Dying Men

hung soldier

There is a worldwide appeal found in the discovery of taboo images of men who are about to die or who recently died. Why? The appeal is, itself, often denied or disregarded but there are a variety of psychological and cultural factors at work in creating this appeal. Some male viewers are drawn to the … Read more

A Man Can Feel Sexually Attracted to Another Man

A crucial trait for any artist who wants to be taken seriously is to clearly demonstrate a personal and genuine emotional awareness of what the characters he depicts in his scenes are thinking and feeling. In real life most people have at least heard of the concept of IQ or intelligence quotient which measures human … Read more

Custom Fantasy Images: 3D Male Characters

3D males character

As an artist and storyteller, I will bring your once-private thoughts and your most secret desires out into the real-world we all live in. I create on-demand explicitly illustrated, photorealistic, and totally uncensored custom fantasy images depicting male characters in 3D images (not flat as in 2D) which can satisfy your fantasies like you will … Read more

Hawaiian Guy Gets Back


2023. Explore naked men pictures in this explicit, violent horror story from the “Taboo Truths and Tales” podcast series. Its an episode named “Hawaiian Guy Gets Back.” This revenge story shows muscular naked men pictures in a Honolulu story which follows the tragedy of a father whose young son is tortured and murdered at a … Read more



2023. Under the cover of the hot tub water, the touching begins.

The act of men touching other men can often be perceived as displaying intimacy or homosexuality, especially in cultures where physical touch between men is stigmatized or frowned upon.

Men can use physical touch to convey their masculinity and to establish dominance, particularly in all-male settings such as sports, fraternity houses, and military units. Men’s touching behavior can competitive and aggressive, with individuals attempting to assert their power and hierarchical position in the group. This is often in the form of roughhousing or playful teasing, although it may occasionally escalate to more violent physical encounters.

However, there is another side to men’s touching behavior that is less understood. Men who form strong emotional bonds with one another are more likely to engage in non-sexual intimate behavior, such as hugging or cuddling. Psychologically, these behaviors can provide a source of emotional support and comfort, particularly in high-stress situations or during times of crisis.

The feelings connected to men’s touching behavior are varied and complex. In some cases, physical touch between men is a way to display masculine power and assert dominance over others. Certain men enjoy dominating other men and part of why this is true has much to do with the pleasures men feel during acts of dominating other men. In other cases, touching of men by other men is used to establish emotional connections and provide comfort and support in times of need. The context in which the touch takes place, as well as the cultural norms and attitudes of those involved, play an important role in shaping the meaning and significance of men’s physical interaction.

Men’s touching behavior is a complex and multifaceted aspect of human interaction. It can be both aggressive and tender, competitive and supportive, depending on the situation and the individuals involved. Those who stigmatize or judge men’s touching behavior are in the wrong. The right approach is to seek to understand men touching men is a natural expression of human emotion and connection.



2023. Three riders, one horse.

Masculinity and horse riding are often closely linked, with the image of a rugged cowboy astride his trusty steed serving as a cultural shorthand for rugged masculinity. But why does horse riding seem to have such a powerful impact on our perception of masculinity, and how did cowboys help to set these feelings into action?

Part of the appeal of horse riding comes down to the physical challenges it presents. Riding a horse requires strength, balance, and coordination, and mastering the art of horseback riding requires both physical and mental discipline. In many ways, this can be seen as a symbolic representation of the challenges that men face in their everyday lives; by showing that they can control something as powerful and unpredictable as a horse, men are able to demonstrate their strength and confidence in a very tangible way.

At the same time, there is also an element of tradition and history at play. For centuries, horses were an essential part of life for many cultures around the world, helping to facilitate trade, transport, and warfare. In many of these cultures, the skill of horsemanship was seen as a key indicator of a man’s worthiness and status. For example, in medieval Europe, knights were expected to be skilled horsemen as well as skilled warriors, while in many Native American tribes, the ability to ride a horse was a crucial part of male identity.

The image of the cowboy riding the range has similarly become entrenched in our cultural consciousness as a symbol of rugged masculinity. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, cowboys were seen as rough-and-tumble individuals who lived by their own rules and answered to no one. This was a time of rapid change and industrialization in the United States, and the cowboy mythos helped to counterbalance the sense of order and conformity that was emerging in many parts of the country.

Cowboys set these feelings into action by embodying the ideal of masculine self-sufficiency and independence. They were men who were at home in nature, not afraid to get their hands dirty, and able to handle anything that came their way. They felt comfortable being around animals which could easily lead to painful injury or death. By bringing this image of masculine self-sufficiency to life on the big screen, in television shows, and in popular literature, fictional cowboy characters helped to create a sense of nostalgia for a simpler, more rugged time when men were men and life was simpler. Some believe America was great back then as compared to now. Those people believe a simpler life is preferred to what we have today in the 21st century.

The link between masculinity and horse riding is a complex one, rooted in both physical challenges and cultural history. Cowboys helped to set these feelings into action by embodying the ideal of masculine self-sufficiency and independence, and their legacy has helped to cement the idea of horse riding as a powerful symbol of rugged masculinity that continues to resonate with people around the world.

Fate Steps in From the Shadows

fate steps in from the shadows

2022. Four rival gang members are captured trespassing where they should not have ventured. All four are used to set an example for any rival gang. The four have their wrists bound and they are made to stand together naked and vulnerable in a cold abandoned hotel room. Then, as they worry about the many possibilities which could befall them, fate steps in from the shadows.

Stories of men being attacked in groups by other men have surged in popularity, particularly in social media and news outlets. These kinds of stories often evoke feelings of heroism and masculinity among male audiences, leading them to resonate deeply with these narratives. But why does this happen? A few reasons why stories of men being attacked in groups by other men are so captivating today can be spelled out clearly:

  1. The stories reaffirm masculine identity — Men have long been socialized to embody stereotypical masculine traits such as bravery, strength, and courage. When they hear about other men demonstrating these traits in real-life situations, it reinforces the idea that masculinity is something to be proud of. These stories also tap into the idea of chivalry, where men are expected to protect others from harm, especially women and children who often are viewed as less important than men because women and children are by nature weaker physically than men. By showing a man standing up to a group of attackers, these stories reinforce the notion that men should be protectors and defenders.
  2. The stories highlight male bonding — Men often bond through shared experiences of physical activity and competition, such as playing sports or engaging in a fight. Stories of men coming together to fight off attackers tap into this sense of male camaraderie, where men stand up for each other and form a tight-knit group. This bonding helps bolster feelings of masculinity and heroism among the men involved.
  3. The stories tap into notions of justice — Men are socialized to seek justice and protect those who are vulnerable. When stories of men being attacked by groups emerge, the idea of seeking justice and taking on bullies resonates deeply with male audiences. In this context, the attackers are seen as the villains, and the men standing up against them are the heroes fighting for what is right.
  4. The stories reflect larger societal issues — Stories of men being attacked often reflect larger social issues such as violence, so-called “toxic masculinity,” and masculinity as seen through the lens of gang culture. As men become more aware of these real-life issues, man can be drawn to stories of other men standing up to these issues and addressing them head-on. In this way, these stories serve as inspiration for men to take action and make a difference in their own communities.

Stories of men being attacked in groups by other men resonate deeply today because they reinforce in a man’s mind deeply-rooted cultural and social ideals of masculinity, male bonding, justice, and societal change. By highlighting the bravery and heroism of men standing up to bullies, these stories tap into the innate desire for men to protect and defend those who are vulnerable. Moreover, such stories provide a sense of inspiration and encouragement for men to take action and make a difference in their own lives and communities.

3D Artists

Learn new things and find inspiration for your own art here at 3D MALES dot com. Check out these artists who are engaged in digital storytelling which depicts masculine male characters. I am Madeira Desouza of Las Vegas and I give you a fellow artist’s point of view in my descriptions of each artist listed: … Read more

A Body Just Oozin’ Life

a body just oozin life

2022. Now on a sidewalk, ooh Sunday mornin’, uh-huh. Lies a body just oozin’ life.

Bloody violence has been a part of storytelling since the beginning of time. Ancient tales of heroes and gods often featured violent scenes of war, battles, and fights. In modern times, bloody violence has become a staple in popular culture, from movies to video games and everything in between. The question is, why?

One reason why bloody violence is a strong core element of storytelling is that it helps to create tension and conflict. When a character engages in a violent act, they are putting themselves and others at risk, which creates a sense of danger and suspense. This tension keeps the audience engaged and invested in the story. In addition, violence can be used to show the consequences of a character’s actions. For example, if a character kills someone, it can be a pivotal moment in their story, leading to a moral dilemma or a change in character development.

However, the use of bloody violence is not without controversy. Some argue that it glorifies violence and can desensitize people to its consequences. Others argue that it is necessary to accurately portray the harsh realities of life. Regardless of one’s stance on the issue, it is clear that the use of violent imagery in storytelling is a highly effective way to create drama and tension. The use of such violent components in storytelling is not likely to fade away.

When it comes to why bloody violence in stories resonates with male audience members, there are a few theories. Some argue that men are simply more predisposed to liking violent content, while others suggest that it is a societal construct. Men are often socialized to be aggressive, dominant, and competitive, leading to a higher level of interest in violence. This is not to say that all men are inherently violent or aggressive, but rather that societal norms and expectations may influence their preferences.

Another reason why male audience members may be drawn to stories featuring bloody violence is the desire for escapism. Men may view violent content as a way to escape from their mundane lives and feel a sense of excitement and adventure. The thrill of danger and risk-taking can be appealing to some men. This desire for escapism is not exclusive to men, of course, but it may be a factor in why some men are drawn to violent storytelling.

Bloody violence is a strong core element of storytelling today that creates tension, conflict, and helps to portray the consequences of a character’s actions. While there is controversy surrounding its use, the effectiveness of violent imagery in creating drama and tension cannot be denied. The reasons why bloody violence in stories resonates with male audience members are complex and multifaceted, but may include societal expectations, a desire for escapism, and a psychological predisposition towards violence in the real world.